Approved announcements are aired as a free service to you, such as
Non-Profit announcements for your Church or religious event, only if they meet the following criteria:
Event is open and free to the public
Non Profit events only
No solicitation of funds
Events must be in the state of AL or MS
If your event doesn't qualify for a free announcement we may be able to air your announcement for one week up to your event for the small fee of $25.
If your announcement can not be aired for free we will try to contact you.
Announcements air approx. 8 times per day Mon-Fri
WYLS Radio has been broadcasting Religious programs for over 50 Years!
Some of our programs have even been on the air for almost 50 years, we are all like Family here. If you have a Church or Ministry or Funeral Home, we can reserve your place on WYLS. Contact us anytime for details, we would love to have you join our Radio Family here at WYLS.